Powassan United is entirely funded by individual donors and the fundraising efforts of those who believe this church has an important role to play! If you want to join others who are financially supporting the on-going mission and ministry of Powassan United, you can do this in a number of ways:
Come to worship on Sunday at 11:00am. There are envelopes in which you can put cash or a cheque, and then place on the offering plate during the service. If you are a guest, there are special envelopes right in the pew for you to use. Or, if you wish to obtain a box of envelopes for your use throughout the year, contact the church office, and we’ll make that happen!
Sign up for PAR or Pre-authorized Remittance. PAR is a way of having a pre-determined amount that you choose, withdrawn from your bank account every month on a specified date, and given to Powassan United. Should your financial circumstances change, it is easy to change the withdrawl. Contact the church office, or 705-724-2815 to sign up!
Mail or drop off your donation. You are welcome to mail your donation by sending it to:
Powassan United Church,
PO Box 436,
Powassan, ON.,
Or, if you prefer to drop it off, our office hours are Tuesdays and Saturdays, 9-2pm.Send your donation on-line through PayPal. Click here for our PayPal donation page This is a secure way to make a donation. This method is great for those at a distance who want to support our presence in the community and the work we do in the wider world.
Give a Legacy gift through making a bequest in your will, a gift of shares or Mutual Funds, an Annuity or Life Insurance. Melody Duncanson-Hales is the Legacy Gift Planning staff in our area who can help you make this kind of gift to Powassan United. She is at: or 705-618-3032.
E-Transfers: You can now use Interac e-transfer to make donations/payments directly to Powassan UC. First you have to set up Powassan United Church as a payee and use the church email address to make the transfer.
*** Very Important ***
In the e-transfer Message Box, please enter your name and mailing address. All donations through e-transfer are automatically deposited into the General Fund at Powassan UC. If you wish your e-transfer to be divided among different funds-for example M&S, Property etc., then please enter that information into the Message box. Tax receipts will be mailed for donations over $20. Finally, a password is not required to e-transfer funds to PUC.
Please contact the church office if you require assistance with e-transfers.Donate with your credit card through Canada Helps. CanadaHelps is a registered charity dedicated to increasing charitable giving across Canada. You will receive a tax receipt right away, by email or regular mail.
Please note: You will receive a tax receipt at year-end for your gift to Powassan United. All gifts given, are held in strictest confidence by our Treasurer.
and for enabling us to be the hands & feet of Christ in God’s world.