Valuable Volunteers


Volunteers from the congregation and community deserve regonition.  We apologize if any member is left out, as this is a new and ongoing resource of gratitude that we are building.  To nominate a volunteer, please contact the church office. 

Mike Raymond

An artist and sculptor, Mike is our volunteer and chair of the basement book shop!  A notable community member with involvement in the Powassan Library and other notable community organizations.  A great philosopher and complex thinker.  

Pat Crozier

Pat has volunteered since 2015 here at The Basement Book Shop.  She is an avid cook and has great book club recommendations. 

Suzanne Rose

Suzanne (bilingual) has volunteered with the Basement Bookshop since 2019!  She is a dog lover, kind hearted, animated, and always has great recommendations.   Gentle and kind, you will love to meet her.