
Our History

Powassan United was formed in 1918 when the local Presbyterian and Methodist churches joined to form a “Union Church.”  During the early 1900s, many Union Churches were formed across Canada as Presbyterian and Methodist congregations joined together on the local level at their own initiative.


At that time in the local area, there were Union congregations in Chisholm, Trout Creek, Wilkinson, Wasing and Storie.  These congregations would have shared a minister and functioned together much like our present day Pastoral Charge-- a collaborative relationship between area congregations.  Powassan United and Chisholm United form a present day Pastoral Charge.


The United Church of Canada was formed in 1925 when the Methodist and Congregationalist denominations, seventy percent of the Presbyterian Churches, some Aboriginal congregations and the Union Churches formed one denomination.  Powassan Union Church joined this new entity and became Powassan United Church.


The present building was built in 1926 and has been in use since then.